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Graduation Day

We graduated from our fertility clinic at 9 weeks. We received a silver spoon as a gift along with a “you’re expecting” book from Mayo Clinic and a few other cute knick-knacks. As we said our good byes to all the sweet nurses, the nicest staff, and our favorite ultrasound technician who was present on our transfer date and whom I call our good luck charm; I couldn’t process all of the emotions that were whirling around my head and passing through my heart.

I felt so much joy as we were holding the many ultrasound pictures of the little miracle that was growing inside me.

I felt tremendous relief that our baby was still growing and ok, not yet kicking, but whose heart was beating away at an impressive 173 bpm. The fear of miscarriage never goes away but it helped so much being able to see the babe with impressive clarity. Ya’ll, we saw everything from 3D imaging to red and blue blood flows, down to the little heart flutters. Their ultrasound machine is legit.

I felt so blessed to be carrying my child but a little guilty and a whole lot sad for all of the couples sitting in the waiting room still taking shots, still having to face painful procedures, still waiting for their babies. I just wanted to run out and hug everyone sitting in that room and tell them to keep fighting for their little ones.

The staff at RBA is the best. They were beaming and shouting their congratulations at us when we left. As we stood and waited for our elevator, the strangest, dejavu like sensation hit me. I looked at Shaun and felt hot tears welling up because the memory of me sitting in a wheel chair, being in so much pain after my egg retrieval, eyes red from crying and waiting for that exact elevator came rushing back.

I have never felt so blessed. I couldn’t believe we were graduating. I couldn’t believe we were finally pregnant despite the measly 6 eggs they collected and the “she may be infertile” diagnoses we received a few weeks back. Miracles do happen ya’ll and I cried tears of joy the whole ride back to work.

The entire experience was surreal and so bitter sweet and I thank my lucky stars every single day for being able to experience pregnancy and for being able to live in a world where there are beautiful, talented and caring doctors and nurses who help make miracles happen.

Enjoy a picture of our lil' Embry (Short for Embryo) when he or she was a mere 9 weeks along.

A Splendid Adventure

At first glance it may appear too hard. Look again. Always look again. 
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