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Our Infertility Timeline

July 2011- Got married! No plans for kids for a few years.


December 2011 – Baby fever kicked in. Started talking about kids timetable


August 2014 – Finally ready for kids! Went to the OB for preconception check up. OB says we shouldn’t have trouble because we are young and healthy. Was told to follow up if nothing happens for 6 months.


March 2015 – A lot of negative pregnancy tests. Still thinking everything is normal and attributes no pregnancy to irregular cycles, schedule OB appointment.


April 2015 – Goes to see OB. Ordered a round of blood tests. OB mentioned that luteal defect might be the reason for us having trouble conceiving. Suggested we keep up with tempting and OPKs. Mentioned the need for a sperm analysis. Follow up in another 6 months if nothing happens.


September 2015 – Hit the year mark. Still not pregnant & officially infertile Very frustrated. OB ordered Sperm analysis and scheduled follow up appointment to be put on Fermara for 6 months to help correct luteal phrase/ovulation issues.


September 2015 – sperm analysis came back. Severe male factor issue detected. Referred to Urologist for testing.


October 2015 - Lots of blood work, ultrasounds, and Urologist appointments.


November 2015 – Got second opinion with new urologist. Received news the week before Thanksgiving that our chances of conception naturally were less than 0% due to severe male factor issues as well as a chromosomal translocation genetic issue.  Female issues TBD. Was told that IVF with ICSI and genetic testing in addition to surgery for Shaun was our only option of ever conceiving a child.


December 2015 - Elected to skip IUI for IVF with donor sperm. Moved forward with donor selection.


January 2016

  • Infertility consultation at RBA.

  • Further female fertility testing done. Sonohysterogram showed growth in uterus, possible polyps also revealed that I have a extroverted uterus.

  • Hysteroscopy done to remove polyps for biopsy and check uterine lining. Lining looks great! No scarring from previous radiation treatment.

  • Went on BC for the first time ever!


February 2016 – Currently under going our fist IVF cycle.

A Splendid Adventure

At first glance it may appear too hard. Look again. Always look again. 
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