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We needed Lake Lanier not Lake Superior!

So, some of you who follow me on social media may have seen this picture.

That’s me super uncomfortable, chugging vitamin water in preparation for our day 3 embryo transfer.

Yes. You can read that as "our babies made it to day 3!!!!"

I just wanted to throw that out there because a couple of lovely people have been checking up on us, and they super worried about my radio silence. Nothing is wrong! I am just bad about posting updates. So sorry friends!!! I’ve been super busy/going to bed at 9 PM after work

For the transfer, you are supposed to have a, and I quote, “VERY FULL BLADDER”. The instructions say that you must drink 46 oz of water a full hour before the procedure. I don’t know about you but my bladder is relatively small, and unlucky for me I also had a full medium cup of chick-fil-a sweet tea right before driving into town. So i was in so much pain for the hour and a half that we spent in the waiting room. My procedure was delayed 30 minutes and we didn’t find out about the delay until 20 minutes past my appointment time.

My bladder was so full it was close to bursting and I am not exaggerating. I couldn’t sit and standing relived a bit of the pressure and walking was basically a no go. I ran to the receptionist right when I walked into the office and told her I needed to go NOW! She told me I could go and “relieve the pressure” but not to empty my bladder and that I’d have to replenish when I came back.

So we played several rounds of, Kim painfully walking to the bathroom and tried really hard not to empty her bladder completely, only to come back out to the waiting room to down another bottle of water, only to have her bladder fill up super-fast. Just imagine a toddler in the middle of being potty-trained, add a hundred pounds and you’ve got me in the waiting room. I was in so much distress I didn’t even feel the effects of the Valium they’d given me right when I checked in.

When the ultrasound tech finally brought us back to the operating room, (I had just gone to the bathroom and was back to being semi comfortable at this point) she did a scan of my uterus and said “oh… your bladder is way too full.” Basically, my bladder was the size of Lake Superior and they only needed it to be Lake Lanier. So I was instructed to empty my bladder a bit more before the procedure can begin. Hallelujah! Music to my ears!

Ladies, if you think going to the Gyno for your annual checkup is uncomfortable and awkward, then let me tell you that it’s nothing compared to having a sonohysterogram performed or having embryos transplanted inside you. Most of my other procedures were done when I was completely knocked out, so you come out of a nice nap not knowing exactly how many people were involved in the screening your uterus or that polyp dissection. However, when you do an embryo transfer, you’re awake for the entire thing. Now I am not at all shy when it come to these visits but it is quite the most awkward thing to be naked from the waist down, your legs in the stirrups, the modesty paper/sheet is bunched up and shoved so high it’s practically covering only your boobs, leaving your lady bits wide open for the world to see. Meanwhile the doctor, the nurse and the embryologist are milling around the room with their various instruments chatting about the weather. Oh, did I mention that the doctor had a light attached to his head so he can see what he’s doing down there? Sorry for the TMI but it was all very comical. Needless today, I will never complain about my yearly trip to the Gynocologist again.

With all of that said, we are officially in our two weeks wait period to see if either of the babies will stick and decide that my womb is a good environment to hang out for 9 whole months. We are waiting with bated breath for the news.

I will write another post for an actual update regarding the embryos soon.

P.S Happy voting and thank you for checking in! We sure feel all of the Love.

A Splendid Adventure

At first glance it may appear too hard. Look again. Always look again. 
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