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A lot of friends and family have reached out to me recently to check up on us and asked for updates. Since I’m so bad about posting daily updates, here’s a lengthy report on what’s been going on lately…

I went to the doctor every day for a blood test and an ultrasound from Thursday to Sunday last week.

On Thursday, they only saw 9 follicles. I was super disappointed but had come to terms with the fact that I would not be one of those women who produces tons of follicles. At least my risk of developing OHSS is low?

On Friday, we actually met with Dr. S to discuss progress and go over pre-op procedures. He was VERY surprise that my count is so low since my ovarian reserve blood test showed a different result. The doctor said that they may have caught me on a low follicle month and that some women have off months where they produce very few follicles. We were afraid our cycle would get cancelled but he said 9 follicles are plenty to work with so we will be moving forward with egg retrieval which would be Tuesday or Wednesday of the following week depending on the growth rate of the follicles.

The ultrasound on Saturday gave us good news! I grew 2 more measurable follicles overnight and they counted 11! Yay! Lots of celebration happened. The doctor wanted me to keep up with my shots another day before he gave me the OK to take my trigger shot (which helps all my follicles mature and get them ready for retrieval).

To help tone down the crazy from all the waiting, I came home that morning, grabbed Zoe and her hiking pack, drove 3 minutes down the road and picked up my sister in-law Abby and her pup Penny and headed to Amicalola Falls for some fresh air and girl time.

On Sunday, we got even more good news! Our follicle count was 12! I can’t tell you how excited I was that our numbers were climbing. That means that if we retrieved by Tuesday or Wednesday I could add one or two more to the bunch! They had two whole days to grow! We went home Sunday morning really excited and couldn’t wait for the call from our nurse to let us know when we could trigger.

The call came shortly after we got home. We did a little happy dance in our kitchen when we learned that our last shot will take place that night at 8:30 P.M sharp! My egg retrieval was scheduled for Tuesday at 7 AM. I didn’t even care that my arms were so bruised and sore from all the blood I gave that week.

We carried our precious Ovidrel trigger shot in a Vera Bradley lunch bag stuffed with several ice packs to a family birthday celebration. Being with family and sharing the good news did us a ton of good. After our family lunch, our brother and sister in-law, Kenny and Abby, mentioned that they wanted to go see Dead Pool (yes, we’re late to the party). So we got last minute tickets and the four of us sat in the car outside the AMC Theater waiting for 8:30 to roll by. I’m pretty sure we looked like a bunch of teenage creepers who were up to no good.

When my alarm clock chirped 8:30, we avoided all eye contact with passersby and I sloughed down as far as I could in my seat for hubby to deliver the last of my medication. Yep. We had our last shot right there in the fogged up car (it was raining), in the parking lot of AMC 18.

We were finally triggered. No more stinging 6 AM shots. No more driving like a hoodlum to get home from work on time. We are moving forward! I can’t tell you how happy I was to have 12 confirmed follicles growing inside me.

A separate post is coming for news on my egg retrieval. We are still waiting for a call from the doctor today.

A Splendid Adventure

At first glance it may appear too hard. Look again. Always look again. 
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